Wednesday, February 8, 2012

When did I become old?

Ok I'm a bit dramatic, but seriously. Ever since I got the email notification that this is the year of my 10 year high school reunion, I've been noticing small thing that make me think I'm an elder.

First, grey hair. Not just a couple grey hairs here and there, I'm talking TONS. Most of them are WHITE. My hair seemed to have skipped the grey cycle and went straight to white. I'm blaming this on generics as my dad turned grey at a young age.  But it is still rather alarming when combing through your hair and realizing that your once brown hair is no more.  I spent a good part of last weekend picking out a color of hair dye at Rite Aid to mask these pesky greys/whites. 

Back pains. Ever since I was in a car accident back in 2007 I've always suffered from lower back pain. Lately it's been getting worse. I can hardly bend over to wash my face when I get up in the morning. Old age?  Maybe. Time to brush up on my yoga skills and get into that locust pose to strengthen my back muscles!

Exhaustion.  I remember the days when I would stay up until two in the morning every night. Now it's rare if I make it to 10:30.  I have really learned to appreciate sleep.  In fact, I'm not exactly thrilled if I don't get at least 8 hours every night.

I know, I know...I'm in my late 20s so I shouldn't complain about old age, but I think this is an important time.  This is when us 27 year olds realize that we're not kids anymore, and that we're really growing up.  Hard to believe.  Better go pick out that dress for my 10 year high school reunion that is taking place in a few months...

1 comment:

  1. You are SO funny! lol, you made my morning! Welcome to "elderhood." Love, Mom
