Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Wishes

All I ate over the Christmas holiday were these...

Peanut Butter Chocolate Kiss Blossoms...mmmm

While they are delicious, they are not so much nutritious and I feel terrible.  This brings me to my New Years Wishes (I hate the word sounds so cliche). 

2012 Wishes:
  • Eat healthy:  I've always been pretty good at choosing healthy alternatives, but I feel the wheels have come off especially within the last few months, mainly because I've been so busy and tend to take the easy route.  NO MORE.  I will go back to cooking, and would like to prepare a home cooked meal at least once a week. (doesn't sound like much, but sometimes that's all the time I have!)
  • Workout:  I HATE not working out.  I feel awful if I am not participating in some type of exercise, even if it's just walking a mile through the neighborhood with the dog.  A few months back, I purchased Insanity..that lovely high intensity workout you see on those infomercials.  I did really well with it.  For a month straight, I woke up at 4am and did my Insanity.  I started seeing results in just a couple weeks.  I proposed to get back into my Insanity routine in 2012 and taking the dog out on longer walks everyday.
  • Relationship:  Scott and I have a fantastic relationship.  We understand each other, listen, and respect each other to the fullest.  We have opposite schedules which makes it difficult to spend quality time together.  In 2012, we have proposed to dedicate one day/night a week for "us" time.  We will use our "us" time to grab happy hour, go see a movie, or cook at home together.  My time with Scott is precious and and I believe spending quaity time together really strengthens a relationship.
  • Decorate:  I would like to finish decorating our home in 2012!  I LOVE decorating, but haven't been able to focus my attention towards this due to time, and lack of funds.  I plan on using my sewing background to create beautifully crafted home decor items...I will feature my DIY projects on my blog so stay tuned.
  • Plan a Wedding: Scott and I have been engaged for almost a year and we have zero wedding plans.  Again, this has been put on hold due to lack of funds, but in 2012 I will start to plan my DIY budget wedding.  My wedding planning process will be posted on my blog so you can follow my journey and give me any pointers on how I can plan this shindig with a small wallet on mind.
That's it folks.  The above is my plan for 2012.  Buckle up!

    Monday, December 26, 2011

    Christmas 2011

     Well, it only comes once a year. We decorate a dead tree in our houses, hang up stockings, play strange festive music about figgy pudding, and spend tons of money on our loved ones.   At Such a curious holiday, but it's one of my favorites. It's the day after Christmas, and our tree looks absolutely treacherous.  It's dead, brown, and won't take anymore water. We got it a few days after Thanksgiving..serves us right for starting the Christmas season a little too prematurely. Here are the videos documenting our Christmas tree adventures. 

    When Scott and I started dating, I decided that every year I am going to collect a new ornament that represents something that occurred during the present year.  Last year I got a beautiful sparkly shell ornament, which represented our move from Tucson to the South Bay area of Los Angeles.  This year, I got a cable car ornament that I bought in San Francisco which represents our engagement in the city by the bay.

    2010 & 2011 Ornaments

    Christmas day was fantastic. We slept in, opened presents, and made a delicious andouille and veggie frittata paired with mimosas. Scott and I each got each other iPod docking stations/alarm clocks for our respective side of the beds. Thank god because my old alarm clock was from 1995...not so cute nor functional. I also got Scott some clothes along with a hands free bluetooth car kit, since California has a wonderful law prohibiting cell phone chat whilst driving (I've already been dinged with a lovely fine for not following this law). Scott gave me some fabulous gifts, including a car stereo! Now I can listen to my iPod in the car! Yay!

    Sophie, our lovely dog/daughter, benefited most from Christmas. She received enough toys/treats to last her a year. Spoiled? Yes.

    Opening her present from Uncle Charles & Aunt Sue

    So happy!

    Mr. Monkey given by Grandma Marvis

    Unfortunately Scott had to go into work around 6pm, boo....but at least we had the day together, I am thankful for that. :) Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas.


    These are the awesome stemless wine glasses Scott gave me for Christmas

    Peace & love,

    I can't lie...

    ...I'm kind of over Facebook.  It's treated me well, and we've had many good times together, but the time has come to part ways.  The only thing that has kept me hanging on to the crazy convoluted social media network is the fact that it has been a wonderful communication vehicle for me to keep up with my friends and family who I don't live near anymore.  With that said,  I don't want to completely disconnect myself from the outside world.  Therefore, I created this blog to document my and Scott's journey together and in our crazy life here in California

    I have a digital camera laying around in the apartment somewhere, but I prefer my iPhone for right now until I can afford something a little more my style..

    hello..I love you

    Until then, please excuse the fuzzy photos with poor lighting. 

    Peace & love,